Lexicon Changelog

Version 1.1.4 (2022-03-20)

  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the VirtualDJ exporter where the track BPM would change on load
  • :bug: The Serato importer no longers skips corrupt crates but attempts to import them
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where it would error on certain empty smartlists
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where the smartlist rule operator would not appear
  • :bug: Minor improvement to handling Serato files with old data
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where some tracks with bad Serato data would fail to read tags

Version 1.1.5 (2022-03-26)

  • :sparkles: Added a hotkey to archive selected tracks
  • :sparkles: You can now relocate missing files to existing tracks and choose which track to keep
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter when exporting to Dropbox
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter where moved first beat markers would cause Engine to beat jump 4 beats
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter where some beat markers would have a slightly wrong BPM
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Traktor exporter when exporting a playlist to an empty Traktor library
  • :bug: Fixes a visual bug on the import page where the iTunes XML button would sometimes not appear
  • :bug: Made a minor adjustment to M4A beatgrid offset imported from Serato

Version 1.1.6 (2022-03-28)

  • :rocket: Added a button to copy smartlist rules
  • :rocket: Added support for the Grouping field in the iTunes importer and exporter
  • :bug: Now only locks new Traktor grids if there were any beatgrid markers
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter that was preventing an export on systems without Dropbox

Version 1.1.7 (2022-03-30)

  • :sparkles: Added the ability to automatically match and send playlists to Spotify & reworked the playlist Share menu
  • :rocket: Metronome now automatically adjusts to the current beatgrid marker
  • :bug: Fixes a bug when migrating from a very old beta database
  • :bug: Archive cleanup now suffixes files when the same filename already exists

Version 1.1.8 (2022-04-05)

  • :sparkles: You can now drag filesystem folders on the playlists panel to import them
  • :fire: Removed notification that shows when tracks are already in the library
  • :rocket: Added support in the Engine DJ importer and exporter for multiple Dropbox accounts
  • :rocket: Duplicate results now change their artist and title when changing selection
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Serato exporter where smartlists with a parent folder that contained a slash would disappear
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where some first cues would end up at the end of a track
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Serato exporter where some cues would not be visible
  • :bug: Fixes an issue where File Type, BPM and Key would not have accurate results after using the Field Copy recipe
  • :bug: Existing tracks dragged over the incoming page will not properly marked as incoming
  • :bug: Copy playlist to clipboard now maintains the visible order
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where the watch folder would be deleted if the last track was moved out of it
  • :bug: Changed the “between” numbers smartlist rule to be inclusive of the upper bound
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter that occurs when the Music folder is moved to a different drive
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Version 1.1.9 (2022-04-08)

  • :rocket: Added a beta warning for the Rekordbox 6 sync method
  • :rocket: Right click on track matcher input fields now pastes from clipboard
  • :rocket: Added a maximum BPM to the beatgrid panel
  • :rocket: Pressing Enter with a playlist selected and the playlist tree focused now renames it
  • :bug: Fixes a visual bug where the metronome would sometimes not be highlighted
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Playlist Merge tool where the resulting playlist had no tracks
  • :bug: Added the missing Filetype source field in the recipes
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where memory cues would not export to the original position
  • :bug: Copy Field recipe with Duration now also properly formats the result

Version 1.1.11 (2022-04-12)

  • :rocket: Added Last Played as source field in the Engine DJ field mappings
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where tracks would error when exported to USB in Rekordbox
  • :bug: Made minor adjustments to Serato & Traktor re-importing of beatshift information

Version 1.1.13 (2022-04-29)

  • :sparkles: Added the field option to the Fix Casing smartfix
  • :sparkles: Added a release channel option in the settings to allow opt-in to beta releases
  • :sparkles: Reworked the iTunes charts to give better results
  • :sparkles: Added Billboard charts
  • :sparkles: Rewrote the Bandcamp store links searcher for better results
  • :sparkles: Added Bitrate field to the Engine DJ field mapper
  • :rocket: Reports are now saved in the Lexicon/Reports folder
  • :bug: Made the String Replace recipe work with empty input
  • :bug: Made a minor change to the VirtualDJ importer so it better handles inaccurate drive letters
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where having an empty Tag category would cause an error
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in Find Lost Files manual mode when changing extensions could lead to a unique constraint error
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Find Lost Files automatic mode when files had the _PN suffix
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where searching tags when also sorting tags would return no results

Version 1.1.14 (2022-05-04)

  • :rocket: Added the Track Edit endpoint to the Local API
  • :rocket: Added the Track Search endpoint to the Local API
  • :rocket: Added a confirmation popup to the Incoming page All Done button
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter where it would sometimes not copy files to Dropbox
  • :bug: Fixes the preview field of the Extract Artist From Title smartfix

Version 1.1.15 (2022-05-13)

  • :sparkles: Added “Local Path Mappings” in the Lexicon settings to more easily use Lexicon on multiple computers
  • :sparkles: Added the “Cue label contains” and “Cue color equals” smartlist rules
  • :rocket: Added an endpoint to the local API to retrieve tags and tag categories
  • :rocket: The edit popup now shows the total size of selected tracks
  • :rocket: Rewrote the edit popup to be more memory efficient for larger amounts of tracks
  • :rocket: The edit popup now shows the total duration of selected tracks
  • :rocket: Added a separate delete confirmation when deleting tracks from a playlist
  • :rocket: Added smartlist rule to find tracks with unrounded BPM
  • :rocket: Added option to import hidden playlists from Engine to resolve a problem some users are experiencing
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 importer where a space at the end of a MyTag category could cause an error
  • :bug: Adjusted the Traktor importer to also import cue points without a hot cue number
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Folder Importer where it would ignore folders with a dot in them
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 importer where the Magenta Red cue color would not be imported
  • :bug: Fixes a minor issue where tracks with a huge BPM would error the Rekordbox exporter
  • :bug: Fixed a typo in the Release Branch setting - this will reset the Release Branch back to Stable for all users
  • :bug: Minor change in the Engine DJ exporter where empty cue names are given a single space to prevent Engine DJ from changing the name automatically
  • :bug: Made a minor change in the Engine DJ exporter to allow more accurate beatgrids in Engine DJ
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where unicode characters would cause beatgrids not to show in Rekordbox
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Find Lost Files automatic mode when files had the _PN suffix

Version 1.1.16 (2022-05-18)

  • :rocket: Added support for the iTunes Plays field
  • :art: Increasing font display size now also increases the track browser row height
  • :art: Added a very slight alternating row background color to the track browser
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where some keys would not show up
  • :bug: Fixes an issue where tracks would be deselected when playing a preview in Track Discovery
  • :bug: Fixes a visual bug in the date smartlist rules where they could show NaN after a Rekordbox import
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Cloud Storage Uploader where it would randomly stop uploading
  • :bug: Fixes a smartlist issue where the existence operator would not catch zero numbers
  • :bug: Fixes an issue where the Save To Spotify tracks would not be in the correct order
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Folder Importer when folders had dots in them
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Version 1.1.18 (2022-05-20)

  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the cloud storage downloader where some cloud available tracks would not appear as downloadable
  • :bug: Fixes a visual bug where the track browser would not be visible in some situations
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Serato importer where some tracks would get skipped

Version 1.1.19 (2022-05-22)

  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the VirtualDJ exporter where streaming tracks did not update if they already existed in VirtualDJ
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the exporter where in some situations the streaming tracks would get skipped
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where dragging a folder into the playlist panel would not work on macOS
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Import Tags From Text recipe when the text ended with a space
  • :bug: Fixes a visual bug where the preview column did not work for the Import Tags From Text recipe
  • :bug: Fixes a minor issue where the importer would error on invalid MIK key values
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where tracks were rarely stuck at 0 BPM

Version 1.1.20 (2022-05-28)

  • :rocket: Added a way to reset smart fix ignore entries
  • :rocket: Added a confirmation popup when ignoring more than 10 tracks
  • :rocket: Added the “In Smartlist” rule to allow referencing other smartlists for more advanced situations
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 importer where it would import previously deleted MyTags
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Serato exporter where no track color in Lexicon could result in a random color in Serato
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Charts where sorting by release date did not give the right order
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the exporter on macOS where tracks would not export if they had a colon in their path
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Traktor importer where invisible beatmarkers were imported cues
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Version 1.1.21 (2022-05-31)

  • :rocket: Changed the Apple Music store link source to work with the new Apple Music API
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter where smartlist rule colors could get a different color
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Rekordbox 6 importer where the “no color” smartlist would not be mapped correctly

Version 1.1.22 (2022-06-05)

  • :bug: Fixes an issue where the Traktor exporter would error on an invalid NML file
  • :bug: Increased timeout of the Serato importer to better work with slow hard drives
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 importer where MyTags with a space at the end would get duplicated

Version 1.1.23 (2022-06-22)

  • :sparkles: Added Beatport support to Find Tags & Album Art
  • :sparkles: Added support for genre to Find Tags & Album Art
  • :sparkles: Added control to replace album art in the Edit popup
  • :sparkles: Added control to remove album art in the Edit popup
  • :sparkles: Added control to reload album art previews in the Edit popup
  • :sparkles: Added album art display in the music player controls
  • :sparkles: Added support for keyboard media keys
  • :rocket: Added hotkeys to focus and clear the track browser filters
  • :rocket: Added checkboxes to the Discovery results
  • :rocket: Added checkboxes to the Track Matcher results
  • :rocket: Importing from iTunes with merge enabled now keeps existing cue points and beatgrid
  • :rocket: Added tags to the API endpoints
  • :rocket: Added a warning explaining the 4 MyTag limitation when syncing to Rekordbox 6 and reduced the amount of default tag categories to 4.
  • :rocket: The Rekordbox 6 exporter now deletes unused artwork and beatgrid data from disk when doing a Full Sync
  • :rocket: Now deletes all Lexicon tags and categories on the first Rekordbox import before importing all MyTags
  • :rocket: Changed the “Save as smartlist” option on the Tags page to use the “Has one of these tags” operator
  • :rocket: Reworked the Find Tags & Album Art popup
  • :rocket: Updated the Rekordbox 6 importer to remove all tags from imported tracks before applying the new tags
  • :fire: Removed support for macOS touch bar
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where Lexicon would add a second album art to a file
  • :bug: Now removes any APE tags from MP3 files to prevent tagging conflicts
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where album art was not getting applied to files
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where deleting a hot cue from the popup would block hotkeys from working
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where the next track in the playlist would not automatically start playing
  • :bug: Fixes a macOS issue where Lexicon would show a black screen after closing it in fullscreen
  • :bug: Serato playlist syncs will now maintain the correct order of crates
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Serato importer where playlists would be empty when casing of the username changed
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 importer where it would sometimes incorrectly import a beatgrid as 3/3
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where saving a playlist to file would use the old playlist name if it was renamed
  • :bug: Fixes an issue where some album art would not appear in Lexicon
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Tag Writer where Serato cue points would get removed
  • :bug: Fixes an issue where all files were getting their date modified changed on every Serato sync
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Serato exporter where some WAV files would not get written to
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter that would cause an sqlite_sequence error
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Version 1.1.24 (2022-06-23)

  • :sparkles: Added Sync support for Rekordbox 6 libraries that use Cloud Sync
  • :rocket: Made the Duplicate Scanner slightly less strict when finding duplicates by tags
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Serato importer where a playlist import would only import empty playlists

Version 1.1.25 (2022-07-22)

  • :sparkles: Added the ability to only scan selected playlists with the Duplicate Scanner
  • :sparkles: Added tolerance options for the Duplicate Scanner
  • :sparkles: Added a field mapping for every tag category
  • :rocket: You can now drag tracks from the queue into a playlist
  • :rocket: Added options in the Edit menu to shuffle and clear the queue
  • :rocket: You can now archive tracks from inside a smartlist
  • :rocket: Added a target subfolder pattern to separate tracks by bitrate
  • :rocket: Added the Enter hotkey to edit a tag label on the Tags page
  • :rocket: Changed the macOS temporary directory so macOS does not randomly clear it
  • :rocket: Added a dropdown with existing genres when editing genre
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Find Tags & Album Art tool where it would stop for no clear reason
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 exporter that would result in missing beats on a Pioneer device
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Find Broken Tracks utility where it would not allow deleting of local tracks
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in Store Links where Beatport URLs would be invalid
  • :bug: Fixes a bug where the music queue would not play when playing a track directly from a playlist
  • :bug: Fixes an issue in the Beatshift Correction utility where purchased Beatport tracks would get shifted too far
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Rekordbox 6 importer that would result in smartlists with empty MyTags rules
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Serato exporter where custom crate order for existing crates would not be saved
  • :bug: Target folder file rename will now remove BPM decimals

Version 1.1.26 (2022-08-11)

  • :sparkles: Added a new utility to transfer streaming tracks to the purchased version of those tracks
  • :sparkles: Added the Artist Cleanup tool
  • :rocket: Now uses the Traktor root dir from the registry on Windows
  • :rocket: Added query string parameters to GET requests of the Local API
  • :rocket: Added an option to ignore individual tracks in the Find Duplicates utility
  • :rocket: Find Duplicates now shows if a track is currently playing
  • :rocket: Added setting to disable keyboard media keys
  • :rocket: Added the Recently Added mix rule to Find Mixable Tracks
  • :rocket: The Save To File Share page now remembers visible columns between uses
  • :rocket: Track Matcher now remembers visible columns between uses
  • :rocket: Find Mixable Tracks now remembers visible columns between uses
  • :rocket: Added templates to Find Mixable Tracks
  • :rocket: Added a button to tap to set BPM in the grid panel
  • :rocket: Now saves last used options in all Smart Fixes
  • :rocket: Added total search results to /search/tracks API endpoint
  • :rocket: Added smartlist rule to find tracks that don’t have a certain color in any cue
  • :rocket: Added smartlist rule to find tracks that don’t have a certain text in any cue label
  • :bug: Open Key now displays the original key value if it could not be converted
  • :bug: Made a minor change to the Traktor exporter to better maintain cue positions
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Traktor importer where the smartlist rule Does Not Contain was incorrectly mapped
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Find Duplicates utility where Open Folder would not work
  • :bug: The Rekordbox 6 exporter now attempts to auto fix a corrupted database in a rare situation
  • :bug: Fixes a bug that prevented dragging tracks from the Track Matcher results directly to a playlist
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the exporter where accented characters would cause read-only tracks in Traktor
  • :bug: Fixes a bug in the Engine DJ exporter where the beatgrid would be locked regardless of the lock setting
  • :bug: The music player no longer stutters when setting a cue during playback