Add "Date Created" as library column

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
Please explain your feature request. Add an image/screenshot if it makes sense to clarify things.

Similar to Date Added / Date Modified, add a “Date Created” field that reads when the underlying file was created.

How will this feature help you and others?
Please explain how this helps you and other users. Keep in mind that feature requests that are too specific may not be added.

I switched from a different management system, and now my entire library is marked with the same data added tag. A big part of my workflow is sorted by “when I downloaded the track” which “date created” would capture. I imagine others transitioning from other platforms would have similar workflow issues depending on the age of their libraries.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Please let us know if this feature already exists in any other software. This is helpful to understand the problem and perhaps come to an even better solution.

Rekordbox has this column.

Does a workaround currently exist?
Please explain how you currently deal with the problem.


I don’t think a column would be right for this but maybe a recipe can help here. If you can run a recipe on all your tracks, it would do a one time fix up where it takes the date created of your files and sets that to the Date Added column

Recipe makes a lot of sense here - just learning about them.

However how can I pull that file-level metadata into the recipe? It looks like I have to choose from the fields already available in lexicon

The recipe doesn’t exist yet so I’ll have to add it. Not a hard thing to do so I will do that in the next beta version

Awesome thank you!

Hello, just wanted to check in on this - is there an ETA on this feature making its way into the next beta?

Thanks in advance!

Beta is coming very soon, this week hopefully

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Where can I follow along for beta updates?

You can find it on Discord, in the #beta-changelog channel

I’m not seeing the Date Created field in the Copy field value

What option is the Date Created option?

Scroll to the bottom at the recipes → Import date from filesystem

Got it, thanks!

However now I don’t see a proper preview and the “Save” button is inactive/unclickable.

Any idea what could be wrong? I am on macOS.

Seems like a bug, I’ll fix that in the next beta update

Got that fixed, beta update coming in the next few days