Artist not moving over

When loading music to lexicon I have all my artist names on the artists column, when moving it from lexicon to rekordbox 6 only some artists will move but not all. All the songs seem to be there but not all will have artists.

What steps did you take exactly?

Thank you for speedy reply,

I transferred my library from serato to lexicon dj using the refresh looking icon. Everything moved over then i added 3 more folders to serato dj and moved them to lexicon dj. I used lexicon dj to add cue points and transferred back to serato. At this point the artists show in both places identically in lexicon dj and serato. After I had my library analyzed, and with cue points how I like it. I transferred the entire library to rekordbox 6 using the sync to button on lexicon dj. All the files moved over I can see the cue points had moved too but I notice that some songs had artist. And some didn’t. At first I though that the songs that didn’t have artist were probably songs that never had it but when looking at my last 3 latest playlists where I know for a fact that everything had an artist. Not all artists show on rekordbox 6. Hope this explanation helps.


Thanks, that sounds like all the right steps.

Were the tracks already in RB before this or was RB empty?

With a Full Sync to RB, the expected result is that your artists are all correct in RB. If you did a Playlist Sync, then it only updates tracks that are in those playlists.