Beatshift Fixer Functionality Question

Question about the beatshift fixer function. Last Week … I pulled my rekordbox collection into lexicon to use some of the features like “remove duplicates” … and when i brought the library back to RBDJ7 it shifted all my grids and hot cues slightly to the right. This is the second time this has happened to me with just simply pulling my Database from RBDJ7 into Lexicon and back to RBDJ7. I didnt not move the database into serato or any other software package.

It also destroyed my grids on many songs which forced me to analyze entire performance playlists on the fly during a performance just so the grids would do their job again in the software.

The first time this happened was about a year ago… I fixed about 4000 of my 20,000 songs manually over the course of about 6 months. Then completely forgot about the pain and suffering it caused me and why it happened… until i accidently did it again last week.

Here is my question… during that 8 hour DJ set where i was surprised by the shifted grids and hot cues… I had to manually move my hot cues back on to the grids for about 400 of my most played songs. leaving about 19600 tracks with the hot cues still shifted slightly to the right.

If i do this beatshift fixer function on my collection… it is going to fix the remaining 19.600+ songs? more importantly… is it going to take the 400+ songs i fixed live during my gig… and shift those to the left as well?

forcing these corrected tracks to the left will force me to go in and recorrect these tracks manually a second time.

Also… reading the details about this beatshift fixer function… it says the function is going to “re-encode” all my music again. doesnt this mean its going to resample all my already sampled lossy MP3 files? thats going to resample a sampled file already and downgrade the quality of all my tracks right?

Using the beatshift fixer makes the grid you have in Lexicon leading, so if that is correct then after using the fixer it should also be correct in RB after a sync. The sync is important or RB will have the old grids.

It is simply going to re-encode the file back into 320kbps (or whatever you were using) so it should not degrade quality. But you can always check with a single file.

As for grids shifting when all you did was import and sync back… That is strange, it should not happen normally.

Hi, coming in to second Walt’s concerns here. Got Lexicon last week and it ruined all my beatgrids as well. had to stop using beatsync during a wedding because of it. Not just shifted to the right either - as annoying as that part is, it’s at least fixable on the fly. But as you can see in attached image, Lexicon has created weird consecutive 1st beats on the grids of many tracks. nobody would want this to happen. I bought Lexicon mainly for the spotify list intergration. But if i keep using the software, is it going to keep destroying my grids like this? is there a way I can just tell lexicon to never analyse grids, and just manage playlists?

Yeah sorry about that, the 1 beat thing is something that is fixed in the next update, figured that out a week ago

Hey Christiaan, having a similar issue.

  1. I use Traktor to manage my library and analyze my music.
  2. I use Lexicon to perform cleanup and convert my library to open in RB 5.8.7 with the .xml method to export playlists to USB for use on CDJs.
  3. I often export my library from Lexicon back to Traktor after making library changes like nomenclature edits etc.

I have found that hundreds of my tracks have the beatgrid shifted slightly (both shifted right on some, and shifted left other others like below) in Traktor and I have to manually correct them.

Here is an example of the same track with [1] incorrect grid as found in my library [2] reanalyzed/gridded [3] hot cues moved to the corrected grid in Traktor.

I have already run Beatshift fixer feature and applied it to my entire library, but it did not seem to correct the shifts, so I reverted my Traktor library to the .nml backup before I performed this. I’m not sure if that just reverts my library organization and reverts the encoding of the files to their original state, OR only reverts the library organization but the files are altered by the Beatshift fixer re-encoding them.

Update: I ran Beatshift fixer again and looked at several of the same tracks to see them unchanged:

Using the beatshift fixer should make the current grids in Lexicon the real ones, so after syncing to Traktor/RB you should be seeing the same thing there.

Were the grids good in Lexicon before using the fixer?

(1) Problem tracks are identically misaligned the same way throughout all three applications (Traktor, Lexicon, RB)

(2) Traktor has excellent grid analysis, and I have analysis turned off in Rekordbox. I never convert tracks in Rekordbox back to my Traktor library as to not taint my Traktor libray—I only do the following conversions, so I would think Rekordbox is not a culprit:

Traktor → Lexicon → Rekordbox
Traktor → Lexicon → Traktor.

(3) Some tracks I’ve owned since before using Lexicon have shifted beatgrids (such as the 6th track I’ve ever owned in my library when I began DJing), and I’m confident I would have noticed if they were misaligned in Traktor before.

(4) I have reason to believe this misalignment occurs when I import to Lexicon and then export the library back to Traktor, causing the issue to persist into Rekordbox whenever I convert my current Traktor library. The only other possibility is that Traktor’s analysis algorithm was previously faulty and something changed in the last year.

(5) To correct tracks, I have to manually reanalyze batches of tracks in Traktor. However, I’m concerned they will become misaligned again after importing and exporting through Lexicon.

(6) I made a playlist of 24 test tracks that have bad grids, imported the playlist to Lexicon, applied the Beatshift fixer utility, and the grids remain unchanged within Lexicon, and again after syncing it back to Traktor. I think this is an analysis issue at its core, but I don’t know what caused it to be so widespread.

There are automatic beatshift corrections happening on import and sync so likely you are seeing something related to that.

Do you have a few tracks for me that are showing a shift, even after using the beatshift fixer? You can upload with this link:

And the Lexicon beta has a much much better analyzer now, so you could try that, you might not need Traktor anymore. I haven’t done a comparison with Traktor analysis exactly, but I’d say Lexicon beta analysis quality is equal or nearly equal to the level of Traktor.

Uploaded some example tracks. Sometimes I’ve seen tracks with hot cues in the correct places with the current grid being off, suggesting the grid was correct once upon a time in the past whenever I made the hot cues (whereas in my example pic above both were wrong)

Only the Good Ones track appears to be re-encoded by the beatshift fixer, the rest isn’t

Do you recommend I redo the beatshift fixer on the entire library again?

Yeah or you can select just a few tracks before opening the Beatshift Fixer, then it will only run on those tracks