Cloud Library Backup Failed

Lexicon version 1.79
Windows 11 Pro

Trying to make a Cloud Database Backup but it failed at least 3-4 Times with a internal server error.

Analyzed all my tracks first, then second I uploaded all the tracks, then doing a cloud database backup just stalls then gives me a Error: Internal Server Error, I did notice windows security did block something from lexicon around when i first tried to do this and allowed it but it seems to not be it maybe i have to restart my PC??
Database Error / fc9317af976ca5d6b082f2fb75de3d93

Windows Security Blocking it

I allowed it the next two - three tries loaded longer…

I just got it last week and slowly been uploading tracks for like 4 days and I imported through rekordbox and just wanted to fully transfer everything from iTunes to a new Macbook Pro eventually is why I’m trying to clean my library up, I’ve been loving how fast this software is. Waveforms and other things take some time uploading though no matter what, so is the work around just to make a local backup on my HD or SSD / NVME?

Edit 4:28PM i will do a quick restart, if its fixed then i will delete post
Edit 7:00PM this did not fix it, will try again in a few days…

Strange, it does work here, no such error. The error does indicate there is a problem on the server. What I can tell is that this may be a temporary AWS error, so please try again later.

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