Custom beatgrid lock when syncing to Engine DJ

Hi @Christiaan

I usually do 2 sync passes to engine dj from lexicon

  • Firstly i sync the entire library - unlocked

  • Secondly i sync my smartlist for tracks containing multiple grid eg manually gridded non quantized tracks, tempo transition tracks etc. - locked

What do you think about a way/option to export from Lexicon to Engine DJ and

  1. lock all files with multiple beatmarkers (flexible grids)
  2. BUT keep straight gridded tracks (ie no multiple beatmarkers) unlocked.

I like doing a full reanalysis of straight gridded tracks in Engine DJ and if all the tracks are locked there is no way to unlock enmasse in engine dj (yet).

Would more reliable/accurate beatgrids in Lexicon solve this problem? If the new analyzer that we’re working on now is much better, you can always lock the grids, right?

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I don’t doubt your ability…never did.

That could work.

Happy to put it through its paces if it needs testing and robust feedback.

  1. Will it include flexible grids?

  2. Will it have the ability to edit grids in either directions ie not just after a down marker but to also go before the down marker and make changes? Use case - some times if pressed for time I just do a rough gridding, then I go back later to tighten it up further. In Engine and rekordbox such maneuvers is not possible. But I can do it in Serato

Another option I can see is the ability to lock tracks in Lexicon and then export normally anything locked to remain locked and anything unlocked to remain unlocked

No flexible grids yet, sorry.

You can already change all markers in Lexicon, what can’t you do yet?
The way Serato does it is super weird, results are always incomprehensible and not what I want in my beatgrids.