Database.xml from virtual dj could not be found

Today I installed Lexicon (latest version) on my MacBook and purchased and activated the basic license. Unfortunately, Lexicon cannot find Virtual DJ’s database.xml to import it. The Database.xml is in the path: /Users/fordesound/Documents/VirtualDJ

Can someone help me?

Greetings from Sven

VirtualDJ recently changed where it stores your VirtualDJ database XML file. Lexicon tries to look in both locations but it looks like it’s not always getting the correct location yet.

The next Lexicon update (coming after the weekend) will improve this situation, so please stay tuned for that.

I have the same issue. I’m using VirtualDj on Windows. Lexicon cannot find Virtual DJ’s database.xml to import it. The Database.xml is in the path: C:\Users\spabj\OneDrive - spabj\Documents\VirtualDJ
For example Lexicon find my rekordbox database with no problem and it’s in the “Documents” folder too as VDJ’s…

Hi Christiaan,
i have a MacBook (M1 Pro, Somora 14.6.1) and Virtual DJ (v2024-m b8350).
My music is stored in my dropbox and locally here: /Users/xyz/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/MUSIK
Lexicon has full disk access on my Mac.
Lexicon shows error while trying to import files: Your VirtualDJ database.xml file could not be found.
Why can I not locate the xml database file, like rekordbox?
How can you solve the problem?
Best regards