Definition of "missing"

I ran a scan for missing tracks and lexicon found some.

BUT… NONE of them is in any of my playlists. lexicon must have some old/deleted playlists or so where these files may have been referenced, and of course - these files no linger exist.

How can I get rid of this ?

The Find Broken Tracks utility lets you delete tracks, so easiest to just use that

I know, but I also want to understand what’s going on here. How can it be that Lexicon refers to tracks that are in no playlist?

And I don’t need to delete them because they are not there already.

Not sure what you mean. Tracks don’t need to have a playlist

I don’t see no tracks that are not in any playlist

The report flags


as missing. SomeFile.mp3 indeed is not on my hard disk (any longer).

Please note that there is no playlist named


We have



So how in the word does Lexicon thinks that it needs to flag


As missing?

Again: SomeFile.mp3 may have belonged to the library at some earlier time. But not any longer. Therefore it should not be flagged.



I think you’re confusing playlists with folders on your hard drive?

Playlists are just lists inside Lexicon, completely unrelated to your hard drive.

If your mp3 is not on your hard drive, but Lexicon does refer to it, then it is missing (orange triangle).

No. I am not confusing folders on my hard drive (the physical organization of my music) with playlists (the logical organization).

If your mp3 is not on your hard drive, but Lexicon does refer to it, then it is missing (orange triangle).

Yes. Exactly.

The question is why Lexicon does refer to it when it is in no playlist at all.

Background: The file might have been in some playlists. But these playlists are deleted now, and the files no longer exist because I deleted them from hard drive.

The problem most DJs have today is not so much how to include new files, but how to throw out old stuff. I have 100.000 files and I MUST throw out some files sometimes. I do not want a DJ software to mark them as “missing”. I deleted them from their physical location (hard drives) and also from all logical locations (playlists). I am absolutely sure that these files are no longer referenced from any playlists I have. And I definitely do not want them to be flagged as “missing”. They are not missing. They have been deleted on purpose.

Try using the Playlist Occurrence utility: Playlist Occurrence

As for this: They are not missing. They have been deleted on purpose.
Lexicon doesn’t know you delete files from your disk, sometimes people unplug external drives so tracks also go missing. If Lexicon deletes tracks from the library as soon as they are missing, it would be very very bad.

I think you also need to delete from collection.

Deleting a playlist or track from a inside a playlist does not automatically remove it from main collection.

There are ways to delete a track from playlist and collection (at once) but thats beyond the scope of this discussion.

Please explain

I think in Lexicon instead of using DELETE use ARCHIVE

Another example

In Serato

To my knowledge, “archive” hides existing tracks from the user interface. It is a means to keep uninteresting tracks, for maybe later use again.

IN my case, the tracks no longer exist on disk and also not in any playlist, but Lexicon has still references to them and thinks they are alive. It is clear that it hen flags them as missing.

How do I do this? This is what I see:


Where do I see tracks that are not in playlists? I do not have those, just interested