Denon Engine vs Lexicon BPM and Beatgrid Analysis

Yes, you are right.

Here is the track:

By the way, i am using Rekordbox 5.8.6

Thanks in advance. Have a nice day.

I will check it out soon, it’s on the list

Okay did some testing. First of all this is a beatshift affected track, so you have to run the Beatshift Correction utility (top menu bar) after the import from RB. Then it should start the first beat, same as RB.

Secondly, there was a limit of 100 beat markers (this track has 200+) so halfway the track, there was the last beat marker so from there you’d expect a drift. I have removed this limit in the next Lexicon release.

Over here, the results in Lexicon and Engine look as expected. So try the new release (1.0.1) and see if that improves the situation

Ok @Christiaan

Thanks again for your fast support and kind attention.

I’m looking forward to testing the changes and my pro plan subscription, but the app tells me there are no updates available.

I can not download Version 1.0.1 or update 1.0.0.

There is an update now, version 1.1.0.

Hi @Christiaan

Thanks for update. I just tested the new update and I can report the following:
Starting Point:
Pendrive with folder structure that includes tracks.
Rekordbox: A playlist tree structure with the tracks on the pendrive.
LXC: No playlist.
Pendrive without Engine DJ library.

Rekordbox playlist:

Process performed:

  1. First I sync LXC with Rekordbox, importing the playlist structure. This is the result:

  2. I apply the first time “beatshift correction”. This is the result (as you can see, the first time the BPM is modified):

  3. I sync rekordbox with LXC again and the BPM is updated to its correct initial value.

  4. The beat grid in LXC is perfectly aligned from the first to the last beat and is an exact replica of rekordbox.

  1. Now I export my playlist to the pendrive in Engine DJ format. The result is as follows:
    As you can see, the waveforms are not loaded initialy (i think they must be appear, am i right?).
    When I load the KARNAK 2nd track, Engine DJ appears to analyze the track and show beatgrid correct, also a replica of rekordbox and LXC, but there comes a minute 4:28 when the markers stop appearing:

  1. I test another tracks and Engine DJ seems to show different BPM value from LXC:

Engine DJ BPM = 138,16
Rekordbox BPM = LXC BPM = 138,10

I await your opinion. A warm greeting.

When you synced from LXC to Engine, did you lock the beatgrids (there is an option)? If they are not locked, then Engine will create a new beatgrid

No, i let It as “default”. Does It justify the markers loosed at end of waveform on first track and the BPM value difference on second track?

Yes could be. It’s better to leave beatgrids locked because then Engine won’t change them

I’m sorry, but I just tested exporting to Engine DJ with the option to leave the beatsgrid locked and the issues persist. Nothing has fixed.

Maybe Engine has a limit in beat markers, I don’t know. Since Engine can’t do a dynamic analysis I can imagine their system is not made for so many markers

Engine can’t do dynamic analysis but allow flexible beatgrids.

No solution then?

Not at the moment. I do think Engine might have a limit on beatmarkers, so it stops when it reaches that

Hi @Christiaan

Sorry, but I am doing a second review.

I have now analyzed my library with rekordbox, disabling dynamic mode.

I do the export to Engine without the beatgrids locked, by “Default”.

I load the track in Engine and, if I try to edit it, to add a marker, it comes out locked by default and does not allow me (the add and remove bookmarks buttons are disabled).

If I remove the lock, I can’t add markers either:

On the contrary, if I reanalyze track in the Engine, now the add and remove bookmarks buttons are enabled:

By the way,

I have repeated the process that I explain in my post: Denon Engine vs Lexicon BPM and Beatgrid Analysis - #19 by djjatoro

But this time, taking as an application for dynamic analysis, VDJ. That is, I have analyzed the Karnak track with Edit BPM, Re-Analyze Multiple BPM. And, although VDJ seems less precise, at least it doesn’t seem to introduce as many markers, which means that when exporting to Engine DJ it does display the track with all its markers from start to finish (although, again, they don’t seem as perfectly aligned as with Rekordbox).

The same thing that I mentioned at the beginning of this post continues to happen with the export in relation to trying to edit the beatgrid with Engine DJ, that is, the add and delete markers buttons appear disabled regardless of whether the grid is locked or not.

Could you take a look, please, to this issue? Thanks.

Can we conclude that Engine has a limit on the beatmarkers then? Since VDJ uses less markers and the entire track then works in Engine.

Is the only problem now that pressing the unlock button keeps the buttons disabled?

Yes! the tests with VDJ are conclusive to determine that the problem was on Engine and with 99% probability it is a limitation of markers.

And yes, the problem now is that i can’t edit the
beatgrid in Engine once the export is done.

Could you review it please?


I think Engine only allows you to add more markers that are after the last marker, otherwise the button is disabled.

Uuhmm. Yes, it seems you are right. I have checked and it seems to be the case. That the buttons are enabled from the last marker inserted.

In the case of the Karnak track (which has been analyzed with variable BPM in VDJ), it is at bar 170 or minute 5:05:

In the case of another track analyzed by the normal VDJ method, the add/delete buttons are enabled, apparently when the kick drum is going to start:

It’s curious.

By the way and lastly from my tests analyzing my ripped vinyl tracks from the 90’s…

As a last test, I’m doing it now with Traktor.

The track under analysis is still Karnak, the one I uploaded in the post:

I first analyze it with Traktor and the result is perfect from the first second to the last.

When sync Traktor to LXC, the problem we had with Rekordbox appears. In other words, at first the grid is perfectly aligned, but after a certain minute, it becomes misaligned, as can be seen in this screenshot:

Could I take a look at it, please?

Thanks in advance and I hope I’m not burdening you too much with these tests and my requests.

I will take another look soon