Error message when export to Rekordbox

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: beta 46
Operating system (remove one): Mac Ventura 13.4.1c MacBook Pro M1

Bug description:
When exporting to Rekordbox, I get the following error message after 63%: see screenshot
Rekordboxversion: 6.7.3
Synchronizing to all other software’s works fine.
No lost Tracks in Rekordbox

Step by step to reproduce: every time


Can you upload your database? I’ll give it a test here

Which one? Lexicon?

Yep, sorry, Lexicon database from the Help menu

It’s done

Looks like there is a track with an invalid loop, delete that loop (or re-create) and try again. The track is called “DER BASS & DIE GANG”

1 Like

Thanks-it works.
It was a Tidal Track I’ve never used…

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