Export and import with Engine OS does not work correctly

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: 1.6.113 (i.e. Beta-version)
Operating system (remove one): Windows

Bug description:
I export a playlist to a USB Stick and work with that on Prime4. I want to import from the stick later to incorporate changes into my Lexicon library.

Case 1: I export, and directly import again. This seems to work correctly.

Case 2: I export, put the stick into Prime4, then import again: does not work properly.

After the import, my playlist has files from other playlists and from other directories on my main storage. I have reported that earlier and I was told that this problem should have been fixed in Beta. But it is not.

Please see screenshot where you see the “IntA” playlist after import. It has several entries that do not belong there, but belong to the other playlist “Deu A” I have for this test.
For example look at the marked entry: “Alessandra Galas - Tanz mit mir” . This does not belong here in this playlist.

It seems that mounting the stick on the Prime triggers something that changes the database in a way that is not observed on the Prime but makes the import back to Lexicon defective.

Step by step to reproduce:

  1. Freshly format an USB Stick
  2. Export “IntA” playlist to the stick
  3. Mount the stick on Prime4 hardware
  4. Play some tracks
  5. Eject the stick
  6. Mount the stick on main computer
  7. Import the playlist “IntA” again
  8. Observe that the “IntA” playlist now has additional entries that were not there when exporting.

I verified that the data structure on the stick is OK. The wrong files are NOT there on the Prime.


It seems that it has to do with files I have moved from “IntA” directory to “Deu A”. I have also deleted the tracks from “IntA” playlist and added to “Deu A” playlist. Some of tracks in error seem to be exactly these, but not all. For example, “Alessandra Galas - Tanz mit mir” has never been touched anywhere.

Thanks, I will look into this next week

Christiaan, do you intend work on Denon integration? I would like to use Lexicon but in its current state I can not.

I always work on it but I don’t have all the information, it is just based on my experience and the experience of other users. I don’t have any Engine documentation or help

I tested your steps but was not able to reproduce it. I’m on the beta version too. Only thing I didn’t do was actually play the tracks since I don’t have those files, but I don’t think playing tracks matter. I never noticed anything with Engine that leads me to think that it would change anything in the database that could lead to this.

Can I do something to give you more information? I already sent you screenshots where you can see the problem clearly. What else ca I do?

Right now it’s 2 rather big playlists but if you can reproduce it on 2 small playlists then that will be more manageable. Maybe it is the music files getting played on the Prime somehow so with smaller playlists it would be doable to upload all those tracks.

I ran into a possibly related issue.
It looks like it’s some issue with the performance data (grids, hotcues, loops, waveforms, etc) being stored in different tables/sqlite db’s across the hardware, engine desktop and the prime. The result being that when an export from lexicon to engine DB is done, new performance data written on the prime is no longer detected by engine desktop as well (even when the usb is formatted and then cleanly exported from engine desktop.

The way I was able to fix things is to close engine desktop, copy the DB from the USB stick over to my desktop DB location keeping into account that the music file path is …/Music and not the original location, so copying all the music there as well. After restarting engine DJ and exporting to a clean usb stick again, I was once again able to create/modify performance data on the prime and sync back to engine desktop DB.

Hi CHristiaan,
I would like to work with you to solve the problem. But before I put any moer effort into this, it is crucial that you fix the other issue I reported with the Engine integration. That was the problem that no beatgrid is exported from Lexicon to Prime, resulting in the Prime analysing everything again . That makes Lexicon unusable for Denon users.

Hi cron3k,
the problem ist not between performance hardware and Engine OS on the desktop, it is between Lexicon and Engine OS.

@djalpina That other issue is something that re-appeared a few times but I fixed it each time, so not sure why it is re-appearing yet again. If you send me the Engine database file (m.db) from the Prime both before a sync and after a sync, I can compare them and check if it is the same problem again.

You can upload with this link: http://upload.lexicondj.com

I will be happy to prepare a video and associated data set with a few files so that sizes are small. But I need a Lexicon license again. Please provide one for me.

Can you PM your email used in Lexicon? I can’t see it here

I registered under -

Okay I’ve reactivated it

OK thank you.

At the weekend, I will prepare smaller datasets where I hope to be able to reproduce both problems. I will make video documentation so that you can follow and reproduce the steps. Hope to be ready on Monday. All will be available to the public on my server.

Have a nice weekend


Great, thanks!


I have prepared a small video that shows the main problem of Lexicon integration with Engine OS.

Please excuse the very bad sound quality – I need a better software to make recordings. But I hope the message gets through.

Feel free to come back to me for any questions.

Link: https://mega.nz/folder/4J0zRDpD#kF_BU0emcavq24rKh0Do7Q



Can you try the same sync to Engine step again (with empty engine) but with the Beatgrid lock option set to Lock all ? That should prevent Engine from setting a new grid when analyzing