Export from Lexicon results in corrup Engine database

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: 1.6.16
Operating system (remove one): Windows

Bug description:
After exporting Lexicon playlist to Engine desktop, the target database is corrupt.

Step by step to reproduce:
Music files are on drive F:
Remove ALL “Engine Library” directory of ALL drives.
Open Engine OS and verify that everything is empty. (I use V 4.0)

Open Lexicon and export a playlist to Engine OS Desktop on F:
The playlist has some sub-lists.
It has about 12k files

After completion, open Engine OS.

Observation #1: Engine OS re-analyses all tracks, although they are properly analysed in Lexicon


Observation #2: After short while, Engine OS reports that the database is corrupt.

Observation #3: When doing the same export to Prime4 internal drive, it works.

Note #1: The export does not copy music files since they are already on the drive. It only builds the Database2-database (correct).

Note #2: Before I switched to Lexicon, I had 20k files in Engine and completely analysed without problems.


I don’t know if this is Lexicon because there is a problem since Engine 4.0 that makes databases corrupt so it’s best to check that first. Look on the Engine forum: Engine DJ (Mac & PC) - Engine DJ Community

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Yes I can try. But I will take a bet that hey will say this: “Since an external program manipulated the database, talk to them please”. The usual game when two or more parties are involved.

Fortunately I found a way to avoid the corruption. I need to export smaller portions of the material, open Engine OS and wait a while and then export the next chunk. Maybe its a buffer overflow.

The question remains why they re-analyse all tracks. That should not be normal?

I don’t know why it happens, Lexicon doesn’t do anything weird with the database, just normal data writing.

It should not need to re-analyze tracks, does that happen on the beta version or also the normal version?

I have installed the Beta, but since today when I open Lexicon it starts the 1.6.16. How can I get to the Beta again?

… just normal data writing.
Depends on the definition of “normal”. An export from Lexicon to the Prime feels different from an export from Engine OS to the Prime. Takes longer to access the files, tracks do not have waveforms, some playlists with sub-playlists are empty (should show all of sub-playlists contents), some beatgrids are wrong.

The re-analyze is a problem. For example, music from the 70s usually is not auto-analyzed correctly. I have corrected beatgrids etc. manually, but this is lost when Engine analyszes it all again.

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