"Find broken Tracks" flags tracks as missing that are there and usable

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: 1.6.16
Operating system (remove one): Windows

Bug description: The “Find BrokenTracks” report flags tracks as missing although they are definitely there,

Step by step to reproduce
Export a playlist to an Engine DJ device.
Run “Find BrokenTracks” report

Observation #1: The report has entries from the target device. I don’t know whether this is intended. Should target directories be checked at all after an export? What if the device is disconected, reconnected and the reportrun again?

OBservation #2: The report has a lot of entries for files that are flagged as “missing” on the target drive. Verify that these tracks are in the playlist of the target and can be played without problems. The files are definitely there and also in the target’s playlist. The report DEFINITELY is wrong.

Observation #3: The report shows about 600 (!) files that are flagged as “missing” but are definitely there.


Broken tracks only takes tracks that are inside Lexicon so if it reports anything broken on a device, then those tracks have a location on that device. Unplugging that device will cause them to be broken (missing).

Can you make two screenshots of a track please:

  • Location in Lexicon that the report says is missing
  • Full location of that same file in Windows explorer

Please see this:

It shows part of a playlist. I have created it with files from a single directory on F: drive. You see that the directory is correct.

Now we scroll down a little and see this:

These files live in another directory on F:
They DO NOT belong into this playlist, and I have never added them.
This was the state of yesterday, and I have reported this error already.

Today the situation is different again: I exported to my Prime 4, mounted on T: and when I scroll down a little more, now I see this:

Note that the files live in T:Engine Library/Music directory. This is the directory structure of Engine OS, and that is what I exported to. But these files should NEVER appear in Lexington in a playlist.
PLease also note that the files are flagged as misisng, although they are there.

Please understand that I cannot use the pürogram with this behavior. It costs me hours and hours to determine and document the faulty behavior. If you have a solution, tell me now please.

How did those T: tracks get into Lexicon? If you only export, there is no way they will have been added. The 2 mains ways tracks are added is by dragging them into Lexicon or by importing from a DJ app or Prime device. But those are user actions so if you did that I’m sure you would know.

Another way to add tracks is by using the Watch Folder but I assume that’s not what happened.

How did those T: tracks get into Lexicon

Only you know this. I did not add tracks from my Prime4 to Lexicon. Definitely not! My master library lives on F: and has decent directory structure. F: is the dingle point of management of this library. Engine OS directory structure (on T: here) is different and unusable for me. Never would I put these files into my library, and it would also not be necessary since the master lives on F:.

What I did is I exported a playlist to my Prime4 (on T:), worked with it, and then imported it again into Lexicon. What I expected is that it detects the changes and updates my master on F:

What happened instead was it added the tracks into my playlists INSTEAD of updating the original tracks.

Next point is that these tracks are flagged a “missing” although they are definitely there and absolutely OK on the Prime on T:. I also checked the directory locations on disk, all OK.

This went terribly wrong, and with every round of export, work on device, import changes, everything got worse. I now made a very hard decision: I start all over again, lose my 20.000 cue points, beatgrids, loops and whatever and build my library anew from scratch.

I started with the famous “IntA” playlist with 12k tracks and drag-n-dropped them to Lexicon. Analyse, start working, export to several external devices, work there, play on the Prime, and reimport into Lexicon. After 10 hours of working I did not find any errors, just some glitches I can live with.

MY library was 20 years old, coming from Traktor, and via Engine OS I ended with Lexington. Maybe it’s a good idea to clean everything up and start new.

Besides that, the problems I experienced are real and should not be ignored. There seem to be severe problems with unique track IDs….

For now, I want to close this and look forward. There are a couple of small things I will come back later.

Yeah okay so it happened on the import from the Prime. I can check that here

I have exported and imported to and from Prime successfully. It works as expected: Lexicon honors where the master files live and updates them with changes I did from the Prime. After the start from scratch yesterday night it works as expected. I will fiddle around with several scenarios and 10k files before I do the rest of the 100k files.

SO, no worry. From my side it is not necessary to use any more time on this. We will see how it works with larger number of files.

Okay, if you notice anything that could be causing this, let me know

I have an idea, and this concerns how you uniquely and permanently identify objects in your program. I think you know what I mean.

A suggestion. These things are conceptually different:

  • Adding a file to Lexicon that is in no playlist yet.
  • Updating files (that have been exported earlier) with changes other actors did.

At the moment these are the same UI and the program must determine what is to be done. IMHO it would be better to clearly separate these user actions.

I worked today a couple of hours shifting files around and everything worked properly. A minor nuisance is that Engine always re-analyses tracks that are exported from Lexicon.

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