I have a collection roughly 2,500 tracks that iTunes raped, meaning it killed the high-bitrate AIFF files during some cloud backup and now when I re-download I only get Apple’s 320kbit AAC files.
So I re-downloaded everything from Beatport, but those files don’t have my tags and ratings.
I tried using the “Find Duplicates” feature and I think I kinda got it working by selecting the higher bitrate audio file, and then right-clicking on the lower bitrate variant and selecting “Use these tags & cues”.
However, a few problems I see:
- I actually want to keep the cues from the higher bitrate file and ONLY want the tags of the lower bitrate one. This doesn’t seem possible currently.
- Manually right-clicking every one of my 2,500 files and then 2,500x selecting “Use these tags & cues” sounds very painful and there seems to be no option to configure a default behavior (i.e. always prefer tags from lower bitrate file)
Please help, just subscribed to Pro