Finding track in library from a Spotify playlist and showing tracks that aren't in my Library

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I know that I can use Lexicon to find all the tracks that I have that are in a Spotify Playlist. But it would be great if I could then have info on the remaining tracks that I need to get. hope that makes sense.

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Much easier to know what tracks I still need to get

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Please let us know if this feature already exists in any other software. This is helpful to understand the problem and perhaps come to an even better solution.

Does a workaround currently exist?
Please explain how you currently deal with the problem.
I have to go through the Spotify playlist and manual see if I have them

You can use the Track Matcher for that: Track Matcher | Lexicon - DJ Library Management

There is “not found” tab in the results. You can save those results.

great thanks.