Generate cue points: issue with custom cues using musical change

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: 1.1.19
Operating system: Windows

Bug description:
Applying custom cues using “musical change” does not apply.
Also I didn’t find how to edit the first beat marker?

Step by step to reproduce:

  • generate “musical change” cue points
  • adding custom cues (ie. 132 beats after start or 132 beats before end)
  • when I check the generated cues, i don’t see my custom cues
  • I checked wheter it’s there under another cue naming but after counting the beats, it doesn’t see so

please watch this video:


Can you send me the track you generated cues for in your video? I’ll give it a test here.
You can upload with this link

Mention this forum post please so I can find it quickly

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