Hi All I Have Had a Love Hate Relation ship with lexicon from the beginning but have to put it down to not understanding the software . I have had to rummage around for videos and tutorials on how to do certain things some of which are easy to understand and some of which take a while to sink in . I have been trying to create one library using lexicon . currently I have 2 MacBooks which I use lexicon on to edit my playlists / music, both Macs have the same music on them give or take a few songs here and there . I am trying to work out a format in which to simplify my playlists but I seem to have duplicate playlists in lexicon and serato dj making my scrolling to find certain playlists seem long. I have been trying to sort this out for a while now by individually changing and deleting playlists that occur in more than one area both in lexicon and my serato dj library after syncing but I think I’m losing the battle is there a way in lexicon to check or cross reference all my playlists and get rid of the duplicate ones or do I have to continue trying to edit individually?
Afraid not, you’ll have to do it once by hand. After your playlists are good in Lexicon, you can do a Full Sync to Serato and it will delete any playlists there that don’t exist in Lexicon so you should be good from that point on.