Lexicon Smart Playlist that updates static DJ Software playlist

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
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Within Lexicon:
I can create smart playlist with complex settings and then link them to static playlist for the DJ software that gets update when syn. These Lexicon playlist aren’t seen in the “Playlist” section but in the main section

Core Lexicon playlist
Playlist 001 - All music that has clean in the title
Playlist 002 - All music between the year if 2010 and 2020

Lexicon Smart playlist rule:
Music that is within playlist 001 & 002
Link to my regular Serato Playlist "All Clean - 2010 - 2020

How will this feature help you and others?
Please explain how this helps you and other users. Keep in mind that feature requests that are too specific may not be added.

This way I can have a reference smart playlist that I can just refer to and not have to create the rules over and over.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Please let us know if this feature already exists in any other software. This is helpful to understand the problem and perhaps come to an even better solution.

Does a workaround currently exist?
Please explain how you currently deal with the problem.

When exporting a smartlist it depends on what the rules are as to how it interacts with your DJ software, for e. if you use Tags in Lexicon most software doesn’t understand that rule, so it exports to a static playlist within the DJ Software, however, if you export a smartlist that uses a rule on artist or title it will export to dj software (if supported) as a smart list. This is how Serato deals with it.

So if you want the smartlist to exports as a static playlist I would recommend using the Tags system in Lexicon

You can use the In Playlist smartlist rule