Lexicon with Rekordbox 6 write support

Thank you! I will fix that :slight_smile:

New test builds in first post

Another update, fixes an MyTag import bug

Hi again, tried the new test build, but release date is still messed up.
Deleted all tracks in Lexicon, did a fresh import from RB, made a couple of changes in Lexicon, synced back to RB.

Could it be that you imported the bad release dates into Lexicon? Check how they look in Lexicon, if they are 1970 too then that is what happened

I don’t think so…I just tried again, and it’s when syncing the release date gets messed up.

How do I see the release date in Lexicon?

Look in the Year column

Latest normal Lexicon release has RB6 database writing in it now so closing this topic. Please report bugs in a new topic in the bug reports category :slight_smile:

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