What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
Please explain your feature request. Add an image/screenshot if it makes sense to clarify things.
Hey, i just wanted to ask if its possible to add a function at the export to rekordbox tool to save every hot cue from Serato either in the hot cue bank and in the memory cue bank.
would be awesome bc you can jump very fast from one cue to another with the memory cue function on cdj!
How will this feature help you and others?
Please explain how this helps you and other users. Keep in mind that feature requests that are too specific may not be added.
would be awesome bc you can jump very fast from one cue to another with the memory cue function on cdj!
therefore you don’t have to trigger your cue if there is a problem with the hot cues on cdj + there is no gate function on hot cues in cdjs. only at the cue above the play button. so this would enable gate function on all your saved hot cues !!
Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Please let us know if this feature already exists in any other software. This is helpful to understand the problem and perhaps come to an even better solution.
yes, AGTM DJ Conversion Utility
Does a workaround currently exist?
Please explain how you currently deal with the problem.
unfortunately using DJCU to export to RB from Serato.