No BPMs after Analysis

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Lexicon version: Version 1.7.2 (2024-10-16)
Operating system (remove one): Mac

Bug description: I do not get BPM information on most of my tracks after I use the Analyze function.

Step by step to reproduce: Very simple, import tracks, select them, right click and choose “Analyze”, then choose any option you want because I have tried all of them I do not get BPM information after analysis.

In the screenshot below, one track has a BPM from auto-analysis, one other track I had to beatgrid manually, the rest… no beat grids and no bpms after using “Analyze”

All of the files are the same file type. I even deleted my extensive library to experiment from scratch with alternative file formats… same results.

This used to work, it’s not working now and, even worse, if I sync to any DJ software like Serato, it erases the BPMs that are there.

This is bad and I have spent days on this.


Hi, can you upload those tracks so I can give them a test here? You can upload with this link:


The problem is that these tracks don’t contain any real beats so Lexicon can’t determine the BPM

Not sure what that means…

  1. Lexicon DID determine these BPMs previously.
  2. This is happening across my entire library
  3. If I add beat grid manually, it determines the BPM fine
  4. Rekordbox, Serato, and Mixo determine the BPMs for this music just fine.

For the monthly price of Lexicon I expected a whole lot better from its support.

I will cancel now.


Okay no problem, will be improved later