"Playlist Occurrences" result list does not have contextual menu

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
In the playlist occurrences result list, I don’t have any contextual, right click options. At the very least, I would like to have the “Playlist” dropdown that I’ve found on other panes so I can see exactly which playlists have these songs for me to clean up.

How will this feature help you and others?
Will help DJs remove redundant songs from multiple playlists, especially as songs age out, it’s good to move them out of certain playllists.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Not sure

Does a workaround currently exist?
You’d have to find the track in another pane, and go to the contextual menu for playlists there.


Like this menu? It would make sense if the playlist occurrence is set to 2 or higher.