Random playlist order when syncing library


Random one, but every time I sync my Lexicon lirbary/playlists to Serato DJ, it keeps putting my playlists in a random order.

Is there a way to fix this?

It should put it in the correct order when doing a Full Sync but it might not do that with a Playlist Sync, as those playlists are added to the existing playlists.

The _Serato_/neworder.pref file decides the crate order, make sure that file is writable.

Hey Christiaan,

Yeah I’m doing a full sync at the moment, and the .pref file is writable, but I still get that issue

My workflow at the moment is organising new music in Lxxicon and doing a full sync to Serato. If I make any major playlist changes on the fly, I’ll do a full sync back to Lexicon, and then repeat the process.

Could that be what’s causing it?

Could be, I’m not sure. What you can do is open the neworder.pref file with a text editor and check if the order of crates in there is correct after a full sync. If not, then Lexicon is doing it wrong.

Otherwise, it might be that Serato modifies the neworder file and does something wrong.

Did we ever find a solution to this? I have read and write access to my .pref file and it’s still not working. I couldn’t open the file in default Mac OSX Text Edit, but I was able to look at it in Console. The order is definitely messed up after syncing out to Serato from Lexicon. What I import into Lexicon is perfect, what goes back out to Serato is wrong. It’s a bit of a bummer, all playlists get screwy. Subfolders/subplaylists are out of order too.

*Update: I just deleted the “neworder.pref” file in Serato before having Lexicon sync it to see if Lexicon would make a new file in the correct order. Lexicon makes a new file but the order is still wrong. Strange, because I see the correct structure in Lexicon on initial import. I’m thinking Lexicon is doing something weird on the sync out.

I use emoji’s in my playlist, not sure if that should make a difference or not.

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Emoji’s might be it, Serato does it’s own encoding and emoji’s are special.

Can you upload your Lexicon database? From the Help menu. I’ll use your library to try and re-create the problem here.

Just uploaded now. I included a link to this page. Thank you for looking into this!

Got it, thanks. Going to look at it next week and if I can find the problem, it will be in the update after that.

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Emoji’s were the problem. Will be fixed in the next update, coming this week. Let me know if it all works right please! :slight_smile:

Hi guys…i’m chiming in here because I am experiencing a similar issue with the neworder.pref file in Serato. I have reached out to serato also.

Upon removal of the neworder.prefs file my Serato seems to load all my crates crates in an arbitrary manner. Only on manual organization does my serato create a neworder.prefs file.

Do you folks know how serato loads crates when no neworder.prefs file exists?

I simply want my crates in alphabetical order.

If lexicon has a proprietary method of manipulating the contents of the Serato folder so that on creation of crates in the Subcrate folder, without a newrder.prefs file, Serato DJ Pro loads the crates and displays them alphabetically, that would be amazing. However it seems like it has something to do with Serato reading the .crate files in the Subcrates folder…which is why I reached out to them.

The neworder.pref files remembers the order of the crates so if you delete it, crates will be in random order.

If you want them in alphabetical order, do this:

  1. Make sure all your crates are in Lexicon
  2. Select all your crates (or just one and press CTRL / CMD+A)
  3. Right click → Tools → Sort (A-Z)
  4. Full Sync to Serato

I love this Emoji organisation of yours, I organise by theme and Vibe etc. but not emojis yet How do i do that in Lexicon?

Emojis are just normal text; with Mac you can add them with a quick tap on the FN button and for Windows it is Win+dot