Recipe "Replace Color" Source color only showing the colors from the selection instead of all possible colors

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
It can be a handy edit that the user only sees the colors from the selected tunes in the recipe “REPLACE COLORS” source color instead of all the available colors from the app to start from

How will this feature help you and others?
This way the user is less confused because sometimes there a 3 different shades of blue/purple/green/… from different apps library marker stock colors.

So from the “source color” only the available colors from the selection of tunes that will affect the recipe’s result

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Don’t know tbh…

Does a workaround currently exist?
No just chose the color and some times you miss… (that’s where backups come in handy ^^)

I agree that some colors are somewhat similar so it can be hard to find the right one. The recipes don’t quite work this way to allow a filtered subset of colors at the moment though. I will keep this one in mind for later.

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Just a small detail that can be applied to the whole app that can make an ergonomic difference.

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