I have over 5,000 missing songs in the Lexicon media library, but most of them are already available in the Lexicon library. How can I link them all again without having to manually locate each individual song?
I Hope for Help!
Thank you!
I have over 5,000 missing songs in the Lexicon media library, but most of them are already available in the Lexicon library. How can I link them all again without having to manually locate each individual song?
I Hope for Help!
Thank you!
See the manual: Find Lost Tracks / Relocate
Select multiple tracks, right click, Relocate
Yes, I already do that, but it doesn’t work, the songs are still not found
I had duplicate music folders on my computer and loaded both into Lexicon, which means that I now have all the songs in the Lexicon media library several times. I then deleted one of the superfluous music folders completely. Now Lexicon shows me the missing songs, although they are all still in the media library.
Unfortunately, I have to click on each individual song to relink it, as I get no results when I try to select multiple songs and search for them in the music folder.
Delete the tracks from your Lexicon first
You can use the Playlist Occurrence utility (top menu bar) to find tracks without playlists, those will be the ones you want to delete
i did that and saved it, but i can’t find location folder, if i found the folder then i enter that as destination folder for lost songs! maybe works
You can sort by the Location column in the track browser to also find the songs you need to delete. But you have to delete them from Lexicon first or bulk relocate won’t work…
Yes, you’re right, thank you it’s much better. I deleted the songs that weren’t in the playlist, but there are still a lot left. Where does Manuel need to search? Even though all the songs are on my computer, it’s strange that he can’t find them automatically.
Hi, I’m having an issue again: I found and located all the missing songs in my library. Then, I did the iTunes sync. Now, Lexicon is showing the songs as missing again, even though I’ve already located them. Why is this happening, and can we fix it?
Actually, all my music is in the "iTunes Playlist von Elements on my HD, and some of it is stored on an external hard drive. I’d like to import that music to my computer as well, so I don’t have to use the external hard drive anymore. That should work with Lexicon too, right?
These are the missing songs Files, I think there’s an issue with the folder, causing Lexicon to save them twice.
Yeah that doesn’t look right. Did you import from the iTunes XML again? How did those tracks come into Lexicon?
Hey Christian, yess i Import my XML iTunes Mediathek, Sync!
But I think it’s correct. Every time I edit the Lexikon playlist, I have to press the iTunes sync button again, or am I doing it wrong?
If you want to see your changes in iTunes, you have to sync (so export to iTunes).
If you made changes in iTunes and want to see them in Lexicon, then you import.
Yes, that’s what I did, but Lexicon still can’t find the songs, otherwise I have to do every single song manually