Restore comment field <Multiple values >

I’ve selected a bunch of tracks and edited all of them to include a comment in the comment ffield.
While editing the tracks it said < multiple values >

I was in the understanding that typing behind this and adding a new comment would result in all the values that where in the comment field would still be there and the new comment would be added.

However now all comments read
< multiple values > #clean
instead of having the values that where already there and with the #clean added to the comments.

I can’t restore this by doing a ctrl Z command.

Is there any chance in geting the multiple values restored?

Thans in advance.

To add text at the end of a field in bulk, use the Suffix Text recipe.

If you want to restore your comments, you can reload tags (assuming your tags are all correct) or import them from your DJ app again (use Specific Fields to only import the Comment field)