Roadmap for playing streaming tracks (Tidal) in Lexicon?

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
I’d like to play streaming tracks from Tidal within Lexicon. Currently it’s mentionned “Not yet supported - streaming tracks are not yet supported in the music player”.

Is this feature planned on the roadmap and when?

How will this feature help you and others?
I’d be handful to listen to my Tidal tracks in Lexicon to properly tag it with Lexicon.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Virtual DJ can read Tidal tracks from within the app, as other DJ apps like Rekorbox.

Does a workaround currently exist?
Listening to the Tidal tracks through VDJ and have Lexicon app opened side by side and tag the tracks…

It’s on the roadmap but I can’t just add it because I need Tidal’s support for that.

All right I understand.

And do you think they’re going to help you soon or later…? :slight_smile:


I really can’t say…