Select All Button

Is there a “Select all” button or a way to “Select all” other than “shift”, “scroll”, & “click”? In regards to tracks in the Lexicon Watch Folder but anywhere you might need to select multiple tracks this would be very helpful.

Trying to select a larger number of tracks with “shift” “scroll” & “click” on a laptop’s touch pad can be a pain, especially if there’s something running in the background that interrupts the process before you can select all the tracks. Then your forced to start all over again.

I’m brand spanking new to Lexicon and organizing music in this way. Things were a lot simpler with viny. So, I apologize if this question has already been answered and if this post is in the wrong section. I did a search for “Select all” and came up with nothing. Sorry I also don’t have a lot of experience with forum flow and etiquette.

Thanks in advance for any Help giving.

Ctrl or Cmd + A is always select all