Serato Sync Playlist-Wipe-Out

I would like to wipe out all the crates / playlist & music that is already within Serato then sync the selected playlists. This is a level up from just sync playlist.

Maybe add a button on the right that will wipe out everything.

Use case:

  1. have a “CLEAN ONLY” event to do any I sync only the clean crates/Playlist and songs.
  2. I can switch up my Serato crates/playlist depending on the event. But they will all be stored within Lexicon safe and sound.

Just delete your _Serato_/Subcrates and smartcrates folder

I did that, but I wanted it to be done by Lexicon as an option.

I don’t think that’s smart to have that option though, people will use it accidentally… Best to keep this a manual action