Special characters in engine os

Hey Christiaan, thank you very much. I have uploaded them as you requested, incl. current Lexicon logs. Looking forward to your feedback. Best regards and many thanks in advance, Tobias

Thanks, I will check it in a few days and give you an update

Looked into your databases and I can see the difference and why the red tracks happen, just not totally clear what causes it. Iā€™ve made a small change in the sync to Engine hardware in the next beta. It might fix it but Iā€™m not totally sure yet, just going to have to try it.


based on my personal experience, the issue lies with the Engine OS. They fixed some special characters in the past, but not all of them. You can find more information on the Denon/Engine Forum. The problem pertains to file names, not the metadata, although someone seems to have found a workaround.

In my case, I renamed all the files containing special characters that caused me problems, like quotation marks and others that I donā€™t remember now.

Good luck :wink:

PS: I found this issue syncing with Engine DJ Desktop & Lexicon

Thank you for taking the time, looking forward to the beta!

I checked these threads before, these have nothing in common with the problem i am experiencing. i encounter none of my described problems when working in engine dj + engine os, no issues with red filenames.

@AlDo did you try beta 1.5.119 with an empty Engine USB?

just did - unfortunately no difference. I can send you the engine databases again?

Found something: Didnā€™t know I can sync to Denon Hardware directly via Lexicon. And this WORKS with the latest stable version (broken on the latest beta :-D). so no red tracks, but when syncing to engine, then from engine to hardware: red tracks all along in the stable version AND 1.5.119. (Totally erased the ssd inside the sc6000 as well as the engine database before every try)

EDIT: still 4 red tracks syncing from lexicon to sc6000 directly. all related to KI/KI (Artistname) and one track with " 12" " in the track name.

Yeah I thought you were syncing to the SC6000 directly already, thatā€™s the best way to do it since Lexicon controls the whole way. With Engine DJ in between, I donā€™t fully know what happens.

I can check those characters, might need to make an exception for them

Thank you very much, Christiaan. Your attitude and dedication is an example of outstanding user support. I will definitely recommend lexicon to my DJ colleagues based on this experience, as one of many reasons. Keep up the good work!

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Great to hear :slight_smile: Cheers!

Hey Christiaan, any news on the ā€œnewā€ character problem for lexicon to denon hardware sync?
Characters I identified so far: ? / "
(Filename seems to be the problem, not the Metadata as Title)

As I am trying now to sync from Lexicon to my sc6000 directly because of the ongoing problems related to this topic, I am confronted with a new problem: The beat grid would not sync to the sc6000. The track is marked as analyzed in Lexicon, beat grid is there. When I am selecting the track on the sc6000, the internal analyzing of the sc 6000 starts. (Tested with latest stable and beta version. Erased the internal sc6000 SSD every time, tested all sync options e.g. locked, unlocked, default)
Should I open a new topic for this? Uploaded the logsā€¦

Those new characters should be fixed in the latest beta release, and some other characters too.

Does it create a new beatgrid on the SC6000?

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Yes! So far no problems with special characters!

No change to the beatgrids matter: when I am loading a file on the sc6000 there are no beatgrids, it takes a while until the internal cpu of the sc6000 has created one. In lexicon the track is checked as analyzed, an it has a beatgrids.

Do you think the beatgrid issue is special character related at all or does it also happen on other tracks? If it is the latter, can you make a new post with some screenshots?

No happens to all tracks. Will open a new topic, uploaded logs with a screenshot yesterday, will make some shots of the player when I am at home.

Step by step guide for the ongoing problem on my Macs (intel and apple silicon)

  1. Load tracks into engine dj
  2. Analyze in engine dj
  3. Close engine dj, switch to Lexicon
  4. Import playlist or full library from engine dj
  5. Create playlists, cue points and adjust beatgrid if necessary
  6. sync lexicon playlist/full library to engine dj
  7. sync engine dj to sc6000
  8. ā€œred tracks with special charactersā€ (does not happen if lexicon is not used, does not happen when using direct sync from lexicon to sc6000)
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I went through your steps exactly but wasnā€™t able to reproduce it on my Prime 2. I used the Lexicon beta version.

this is driving me crazy. took a fresh try - and for me there is clearly a difference at what lexicon und engine-dj do. see the picture of the synced sc6000: identical file, identical track. red one written to the engine-library (mac) via lexicon, the playable one added to engine-library (mac) via drag and drop on engine dj.

sorry to be so insistent, thats just because i love your app and would really like to use it.