Hello, I have been working many many hours to organize my music library, and one that is taking me most of the time is to set genres and also use custom tags for all of them.
When synching to Traktor, all the genres appear with the # sign in front… then, synching back from Traktor to Lexicon will…messes up all the work on genres: Lexicon will take the previously exported custom tags as the genre (#Dance #House #Peak) and the custom tags are changed to the original Genre… I dont want to lose all the previous work, so, any help appreciated.
You can choose not to import genre from Traktor, by using the Specific Fields option.
But I would just ignore or keep the genre field empty in Lexicon since your real genre is in the custom tags.
Thanks Christiann, the issue was that there was a custom field mapping from Traktor to Lexicon. I did a new genre cleanup, re-sync and all is fine now both in Lexicon and Traktor
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