Please fill in this bug report template:
Lexicon version: … 1.6.16
Operating system (remove one): Windows
Bug description: If I have a playlist containing Tidal tracks and mp3s (either a pre-existing Engine playlist, or a brand new Lexicon playlist), then after syncing to Engine, the playlist only contains the mp3 tracks; all Tidal tracks are missing from the playlist.
Note the Tidal track(s) still exists in my Engine collection and other playlists it/they are already in. It’s only the synced playlist they disappear from.
If I make a change to one of the Tidal tracks in the Lexicon playlist (e.g. change its rating) and re-sync, then the rating of the track in the collection (and other playlists) is correctly updated, but the track is still missing from the synced playlist.
Engine library is on version 4.0
Step by step to reproduce:
Here I’ve created a new playlist in Lexicon, and added 1 mp3 and 1 Tidal track to it:
Now sync.
^ The playlist has been created in Engine, but the Tidal track is missing from it.
^ But Tidal track still exists in Engine collection.
^ Rating added in Lexicon
^ Syncing. Note I don’t have any field mappings configured.
^ Post 2nd sync, the mp3 track has new rating
^ Post 2nd sync the Tidal track also has picked up the new rating (but is still missing from playlist).
Note: In the above example this was a new playlist I created in Lexion.
I also had a pre-existing Engine playlist which contained ~5 mps and ~5 Tidal tracks.
I applied a rating to one of the Tidal tracks in Lexicon, but after syncing the Engine playlist had lost all the Tidal tracks, and only contained the 5 mp3 tracks.
The Tidal tracks still exist in my collection, and the rating had been applied/updated to the Tidal track.