Tracks gone when remote library enabled

Lexicon version: … latest
Operating system (remove one): Windows

Bug description:

If the engine remote library is enabled, playlist content is gone; music is only in the “collection.” It reverts to normal if disabled.

Step by step to reproduce:


After (enabled)

Collection still full:

Yeah the remote library option is new and only intended to use for Engine remote library over wifi. Not sure why the playlists are empty but this option is best used with an empty Engine database, because mixing it with syncing without that option might lead to unexpected behavior.

I was somewhat happy to see this feature since the remote library didn’t work from 4.0 on. Anyway remote’s not that useful, since It doesn’t log history.


If the Denon team would help me it would be super cool to have remote library connect directly to Lexicon :partying_face: But that’s probably just a pipe dream

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