I’ve just come across an issue with tracks cutting off suddenly just before the end of the song.
Any ideas?
I went through my usual workflow.
Bought 226 new tracks in iTunes, converted them to mp3s, ran them through MIK and then dragged them from iTunes into the Watch Folder and started tagging.
As I moved through, every once in a while I noticed a track would just cut off at the end so I added something in the comments so I could look at it later.
17 tracks out of the whole bunch do this but…the files play normally in any other media player on the computer outside of LXN. I haven’t synced to Serato yet to try that because I can’t imagine that would be different than LXN.
I figured out this is not only for the new batch of music added but also other random tracks so I added two of those to the upload.
I was very happy to see they work as normal in Serato after syncing.
I have a similar issue where the track is far to long (close to 7000 minutes instead of 7). I uploaded it as well. As a side note, all tracks where I previously had similar problems work (2 or 3 I think, I just thought they were corrupted) are working with the new trackloader.
All tracks go through ffmpeg now first and are chopped up into small WAV pieces that are loaded into WebAudio (electron), so I expect better compatibility with the new track loader. The old loader loaded them directly into WebAudio which didn’t support AIFF files and failed on some semi-corrupt tracks that ffmpeg does handle.
@marca9 I’m seeing the same thing here. Looks like the last chunk isn’t getting loaded. Will look into that!
@Keno Same problem here, going to fix that too. Thanks!