Add a "Recent Recipes" quick option to the right click menu

What is the feature or ability you would like to have?
When a track or multiple tracks are edited, right click and select a recent recipe to make repetitive actions easier. Similar to a “recent documents” section in a File menu.
The ability to have Saved Recipes with their configs attached.

How will this feature help you and others?
While going through a bunch of tracks that had not great tags, I saw that about 10% of them had the Title and Artist field reversed. It was hard to sort the list in such a way that I could easily group them together so I was going through them one by one. Each time I wanted to use the “Swap Fields” recipe to swap the Title and Artist, I had to right click, hit Edit, Select Recipes, Select Swap Fields, Select Title, Select Artist, and Click Confirm. A lot of steps.

A quick way to perform this action in fewer steps would be very desirable.

Is this feature available in an existing product? If so, what product?
Not to my knowledge

Does a workaround currently exist?
This can be done, but it’s labor intensive if you’re in a situation that can’t be done in one big effort.

(This is similar to: Favourite, most/latest used Recipes in top list in Recipe screen - but I’d like to skip even having to go to the recipes screen if possible)

I agree this could use improvements. I haven’t had time for it yet. Especially when re-running the same recipes (or same few recipes) could be saved a lot of time.
It’s on my radar but that’s all I can say right now.