Failed to sync to Engine DJ

Try using this one instead of your m.db

I didn’t really fix anything, just cleaned it. Not sure if it will help… The database didn’t report any errors

No Joy I’m afriad

I am going to try killing off my lexicon database and rebuilding, it only does it exporting to Engine no Issues with Serato or Rekordbox for me.

So, deleted my collection in Lexicon and reimported from Serato, ran an export with album art to usb and still failed with corrupt database message, even though a clean usb and surely Lexicon is creating the db at this point? very odd

The corruption is in the Engine db, not Lexicon. Try deleting that one

but isn’t this is a database that lexicon is creating, the usb is blank and its a fresh export.

Hm okay, maybe a faulty USB?

I bought a brand new 2TB SandDisk SSD because I thought the same but it does it on that too, I am on Sonoma if that makes a difference.

I am confused as to how it is corrupting during creation, only with artwork.

Never had this before, and only started a week or 2 ago, I have just re-ran find new artwork on anything over the last 3 months and will re-run the export to see if it makes any difference

Nope still fails, always seems to get to around 10-12% before it fails

I am going to build a collection in Engine DJ without Lexicon tonight and see if I get th same result

Not sure why it fails… maybe some weird album art causing problems, just a wild guess. I already reduced how many album art data it sends to Engine at a time so not sure further reducing that would change anything.

The most common reasons why a database can be corrupted is when another process writes at the same time or if you have a power failure. There’s a bunch of other ways to do it but they are all very uncommon.

I wonder whether this is Sonoma related then, it’s unusable with any kind of artwork active.

The test will be if it work direct from Engine DJ without any Lexicon Database included

Ok, so it does only happen when Lexicon is involved, a fresh clean Engine DJ Database with tracks imported directly exports to usb fine, but when the database has been created by Lexicon it fails

UPDATE: The minute I wrote this it failed…more investigation required lol

When you delete the Engine database, do you also delete any related files? Like m.db-shm and m.db-wal?
Leaving those when deleting m.db can cause corruption too

I completely remove the whole folder.

I am just in the process of trying ATGR’s software to see if the error happens after a conversion using DCU etc.

I can’t fathom this at all, I have even removed Norton as I thought it may be trying to scan the db file while it is in use but no, still fails with that removed

If I upload the log from this last failure, would you be able to see if a particular file is causing an issue? I don’t understand how it would as I have triple checked everything

UPDATE: I have read the logs and testing the track that was last to be processed being removed

Update 2: Still fails and with a different track unrelated to the previous one

So I have moved my collection to another Mac, my Macbook Pro and I get the same response, I am going to remove ALL artwork and try again

Something really weird is going on, looking at your logs. I see the SQL errors on the Engine database, but also on the Lexicon database. Just normal queries that should have no reason for failing. I have no way to explain why it would fail on 2 separate databases. My first thought is a software issue (virus scanner or maybe even a virus) or some bad hardware (hard drive or memory perhaps).

But if you tried it on a different Mac, the above seems very unlikely… I’d try syncing in smaller batches and see if there is a particular batch that fails. It could be one offending track, or multiple to make the search harder :confused:

I am going to use my xmas break to get to the bottom of this, I am going to run up my old windows machine and try the same collection too.

I have seen reports of Sonoma playing hell with ExFat drives in some scenarios, this is why I tried another mac.

I have gone through all the same thoughts as you re hardware, hence buying a new SSD and also trying on a different Mac, there can’t be a virus on both etc and the Norton is only on 1 machine.

I am going to also go through my collection again to try and locate any suspect tracks, but it only happens when artwork is involved too, all very strange

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I can make a special Lexicon build that sends tracks to the database one by one, maybe that will tell us something. If it always errors on the same track, that would be good to know.

Still doesn’t explain why I saw errors in the Lexicon database as well though

That would be really helpfull, I could be here a while with 85000+ tracks, yes I need to slim down my collection too lol

This may be a long shot and feel free to tell me to go away, is there a way to allow an export to NTFS or AFPS, just to rule out the ExFat issue?

Sure, I’ll build a release that allows that. And does one track at a time (will be muuuch slower to sync though).
Are you using the beta release?