Grouped view for linked or remixed tracks


For my personal use, I see 3 principal usages :

  • I’m a resident DJ in several bars and that over time my sets are similar with the trendy songs… Having this function would allow me to prepare in advance to replace tracks with remixes that I don’t play often. Actually, I do this manually via the search/filter column. Its not necessarily simple (artist and track need to be set) and i need to repeat action every weeks for many tracks

  • To be able to prepare tracks that go well together and that I’ve linked myself
    I tried the mixable track, but it was too mathematical based on BPM and Key. Not the vible but that’s just my musician opinion I only trust my ear anf vibes for this :sunglasses:.

  • It allows me to clean up my library with remixes that I won’t play again, because sometimes I have 10 versions of the same track and duplication doesn’t work.
    For this I refer to this request that I posted. Duplicate Track has never really allowed me to clean out my library of olders versions and remix.