Import Tracks and Playlists Freezes

Please fill in this bug report template:

Lexicon version: 1.2.3
Operating system (remove one): Mac

Bug description: App hangs and freezes whenever import tracks & playlists is selected

Step by step to reproduce: Simply select import tracks and playlists for Serato


Might be that Lexicon is loading your Serato library that takes a minute, how long have you waited for it?

Hey I waited and it did load. But I get this error message whenever I try to do a full import, merge current librar

y on

Seems there is a bad streaming file in your Serato library.
If you don’t use streaming files anyway, you can turn that off in the Serato settings. Then it won’t try to import them into Lexicon.

If you do want to import them, I’ll need your Music/_Serato_/Metadata folder so I can check it here. You can zip it and upload it to
Be sure to mention this forum topic URL in the description.

Can you try the beta version? You can switch in the Lexicon settings, at the bottom.

The beta version should ignore any bad Serato XML files like that.

Hey thank you for the suggestion! The beta is importing my Serato library and reporting the playlist where the bad track is at. Is there any chance the report can list the tracks or provide the library hierarchy?

It’s not actually that simple. All it could do is provide the track ID (which is equal to the filename of the XML file). But that only goes for streaming. For non-streaming, the track ID is completely useless for the end-user so that’s why the report does not mention that.

If you open the log file, you will be able to tell which file has the problem. But it’s not in the report, as the report is more user friendly.

You can find the log file here: Lexicon database & log locations

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